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Thomas Middlecott Academy

Thomas Middlecott Academy seeks to broaden the horizons of each and every student, helping them to achieve at the highest level both academically and through their talents outside the classroom.

Transition for Year 6 Students

Our Transition Day for all Year 6 students starting with us in September as Year 7.

Monday 30th June 2025  and a catch up day on Wednesday 10th July 2024 

Once the KS2 tests are completed in May, your child will be visited in their primary school by our Transition Lead and Senior Assistant Principal, Mrs Gates and the Year 7 key team of staff.  During this visit, your child will meet their Year 7 Manager, learn more about what to expect at secondary school and receive an information pack.  If your child is not present in school during the visit, the pack will be sent to your home address.  All details about the Transition Day and what to prepare in readiness for September can be found in the information pack. 

The Transition Process

The transition (the change) from primary school and secondary school can be daunting for young people and their parents/carers.  It is a big change and change takes time to adjust.  We appreciate that change is hard and everyone has different ways of coping with change.  At Thomas Middlecott Academy we do all that we can to make this process smooth by getting to know each student as well as possible before term begins in September.  We start by introducing ourselves to your child.  From visiting the children in their primary school to their induction day in July, we stay in touch and can help with any issues, questions or worries that the child or parent has. We visit your child directly in their primary school setting and speak to their teachers or key workers to look at their work and really get a picture of what we can do to make each child feel that moving on to secondary school is a natural continuation of their education rather than a completely new set of overwhelming experiences and challenges.

Key Year 7 Staff

SLT-Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Lead & Head of Safeguarding- Mrs Gates

SLT-Head of Behaviour and Pastoral- Mrs Hall-Rushton

Head of Year 7- Miss Tunnicliffe

Year 7 Manager- Miss Armiger

Deputy Safeguarding Lead- Miss Robinson 

Year 7 Tutors

Students are placed into a year 7 tutor group, each tutor group is attached to one of the four houses- Fen, Holland, Lincoln, and Pilgrim.  All Year 7 Form Tutors take responsibility for their students and are the first port of call between home and school; they are the person who will have daily contact with students and set the standard for the day ahead in partnership with parents. They will aim to ensure all students are fully prepared to learn and progress within the academy. They can then purchase their house tie at a cost of £5 for starting in September. 

Fen House

 In Fen House, students wear a blue and black striped tie. 

Holland House

 In Holland House, students wear red and black striped tie. 

Pilgrim House

 In Pilgrim House, students wear a yellow and black striped tie. 

Lincoln House

 In Lincoln House, students wear a green and black striped tie. 

Our Transition Process

  • Year 6 into 7 transition team visit Primary schools (where this is not possible, for example, where students live out of the catchment area, an information pack is sent directly to the home.)
  • An information pack with all details given to every child joining us.  This will be given out during the Primary school visit. 
  • Transition Day for SEND students Monday 30th June 2025 
  • Transition Day for all students Monday 7th July 2025 
  • Transition evening for all parents-Monday 7th July 2025
  • Year 7 Form Tutors and Key workers
  • Settling In Parents’ Evening in September & Online Safety Evening (tbc)
  • Year 7 Progress Parents’ Evening TBC

Transition Day Monday 7th July 2025 9am-3pm

Students need to come to school in their normal Primary school uniform and wear trainers as we will be doing outdoor activities.  They will also need to bring their own pencil case, lunch and drink. Students should be brought to the school by parents/carers and arrive at 9am at the front of the school where they will be greeted by Year 7 key staff to take them in.  

Students will need to bring their own lunch, snacks and water to drink. (we are a nut free school) Those students who are in receipt of Free School Meals will receive a free packed lunch from our dining area.  We also have water fountains where water bottles can be filled up throughout the day. 

During the day, your child will experience a taster of lessons and activities.  They will also experience assemblies and learn more about the TMA Way and expectations of secondary school.  We will practice routines, have a tour of the school, get to experience secondary school lesson, move around the school and prepare for what to expect in September.  

The day will finish at 3pm and students will need to be met by parents/carers at the front of the school.  We will not allow any student to leave without a parent/carer unless this has been discussed prior. (A google form will be sent out nearer the time for you to opt how your child will get home) 

A SEND Transition Day will take place on Monday 30th June 2025.  Please speak to your primary school about attending this date if required.  


Information Evening Monday 7th July 5pm

We hope that all parents, carers and Year 6 children joining Thomas Middlecott Academy in September will attend this event. 

 The purpose of the event is to give parents and carers, and their child an opportunity to gain information about starting Thomas Middlecott Academy in September and hear from key members of staff who will support your child with their transition to secondary school, ask any questions you may have, to hear about the academy’s key expectations for your child.  You will also have an opportunity to experience a taster session in our school canteen.     

During the event there will be an opportunity to purchase  uniform including your child’s house tie and Thomas Middlecott Academy school bag.  

Key Dates

Sorry, there are no current diary dates.

Useful Links

Uniform Information

Parent Information  

Timings of the Academy Day

MCAS My Child at School App

Student Portal

Useful Information & IT Support FAQs


PE Kit can be purchased at www.pbuniform-online/thomasmiddlecott (click here)

 School Transport

Thinking about how your child will come to school is an important decision.  Your child may be able to walk or cycle to school.  You may wish to consider using public transport to and from Boston.  There are options to use a pay as you go bus service or pay for a private bus pass.  Bus passes can be bought annually or termly.  Your child may be eligible for free school transport. If you think your child is eligible, please apply for school transport as soon as you have confirmation of your place.  The Local Council will consider the most appropriate form of transport.  Those students with an EHCP could be eligible for private taxi transport.  Applications can be made online at the website below or a telephone application can be made by contacting the customer service centre on 01522 782020.  For more information about home to school transport policy and online applications, please go

Boston and Spalding Bus service providers- Brylaine, Phil Haines and Cropleys Coaches.  Services also run from Call Connect. 

 Virtual Tour




Want to see what our lessons look like?

English & Expressive Arts




Physical Education

Design & Technology

Library & Reading


Appeals Timetable

National Offer Day: 1 March 2024

Deadline for an appeal to be received: Noon 29 March 2024


Transition Letters


Academic Year 2023/2024


 Useful Information



Transition Work Booklets

transition english .pdf

transition mathematics.pdf

transition science.pdf