Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
Thomas Middlecott Academy is committed to ensuring that all learners have access to a curriculum which enables them to make significant progress in their knowledge, understanding and skills. We are ambitious for every child no matter their prior attainment, backgrounds or individual needs. We offer a nurturing environment in which all children are encouraged and given the tools to achieve their goals.
We fully support inclusion for all of students, ensuring and promoting their life throughout the entire Academy community. We believe that by working in partnership with students, staff, parents and external agencies we are able to offer a fully inclusive, supportive and aspirational journey for our learners.
What we do
We provide support for students who have additional learning needs relating to categories of SEND defined in the SEN Code of Practice document as:
- Cognition and learning difficulties
- Communication and Interaction difficulties
- Sensory and physical difficulties
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Students requiring additional learning support have access to a range of intervention groups before school and during the school day. Teaching Assistants are timetabled throughout the day to support students with EHCPs and also for targeted interventions where SEND students are not secondary ready or/and need support to realise their potential/remove barriers to learning.
Interventions which we offer include:
- English – including RWI Fresh Start
- Maths
- Reading Comprehension and Phonics
- Entry Level Certificates (sat in conjunction with GCSE’s)
- Lego Therapy
- Social Skills Groups
- Hub Lunchtime and Breaktime Provisions
- EAL Specialist Teacher
- Speech and Language
- Accelerated Reader
We work closely with a range of external professionals and agencies to support learners. These include:
- Educational Psychologist
- Paediatricians
- GPs
- Occupational Therapy
- Working Together Team
- Local Authority SEN/ Inclusion Team
How does the school know if the children need extra help and what should parents do if they think their child may have special educational needs?
Thomas Middlecott Academy identifies students who may have special educational needs through consultation and concerns raised by teachers, parents and the students themselves. This may be when they are not making progress despite the support/ interventions being given.
If parents are concerned that their child may have SEN needs, they can arrange an appointment to speak with the SEND team or contact the Year Group Manager for their child’s year.
Local offer
For more information regarding the SEND Local Offer please visit:
SEND Local Offer – Lincolnshire County Council
Director of SEND & Inclusion: Mrs Francia Dickinson
Contact Email:
Useful SEND Websites
- Family Services directory - Information, Advice and Support Services Network - 4All – Lincolnshire’s Newsletters for families with children or young people with disabilities - The Council For Disabled Children - Preparing for Adulthood - National Autistic Society - The Communication Trust - The Dyslexia SpLD Trust - Epilepsy Action - Cystic Fibrosis Trust - Action On Hearing Loss - Community Health services - School Nurse Team - Young Minds – Mental Health Support
- Accessibility and Equality Plan
- C L Pathway
- EAL Pathway
- Physical Needs Provision at Thomas Middlecott Academy
- SEMH needs provision
- SEND referral route
- Sensory Pathway at Thomas Middlecott Academy
- SLCN provisions
- Thomas Middlecott SEND Information Report
- Thomas Middlecott SEND Policy Appendix
- Waves of Intervention