The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Thomas Middlecott Academy

Thomas Middlecott Academy seeks to broaden the horizons of each and every student, helping them to achieve at the highest level both academically and through their talents outside the classroom.


Our Inclusion Team encompasses all areas of support SEND, Pastoral, Attendance, EAL and behaviour as they often go hand in hand. Every student matters at Thomas Middlecott Academy and as the Inclusion Team we want to ensure that you are given equality of opportunity to develop socially, to learn and to enjoy community life whilst keeping you safe in Education. As a School, we are committed to providing an environment that enables full curriculum access; and that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. The Inclusion Team are committed to taking positive steps to developing a culture of inclusion, support and awareness within the school. We are here to support your journey throughout your school life and to help with any bumps along the road to ensure that you reach your destination even if you take a slightly different route at times. 

View Our Inclusion Framework Document


Special educational needs and disability at TMA, also known as learning support department works with parents, carers, pupils and teaching staff to ensure that needs are met accordingly to the child’s individual needs within the secondary setting.

Following the Equality Act (2010), the Children and Families Act (2014) and the most recent Code of Practice (2015) we ensure that by working together we can support each child with SEND to reach their potential both as an academic student but also as a young person.

Further information can be found in the SEND page

SEND Contacts

Should you require further information for SEND in addition to the Local Offer please contact Ms Lucy Wells (SENCO) on:

Pastoral Support

Pastoral care is led in house groups.

Working closely with the Head of House, the Progress Leads are available for the concerns and issues that many children and young people struggle with.  A talk, time out, or mediation can all help a young person break the barrier that is emotionally stopping them from accessing learning.  Counselling referrals can be made as well as setting up Team around the Child (TAC) or Single Assessment support meetings via Early Help Assessments (EHA) can also be made via the pastoral team. 

Pastoral Contacts

Mental heath first aider - Mrs T Gates


Attendance to school is paramount.

With 95% attendance to school from all students at TMA, the work of the attendance officer means that the first barrier to learning is removed so that the student can access the lessons through attendance. Working closely with families and the students themselves, reasons for non-attendance can be established and support put into place to ensure access to learning is given.

*The government’s figure for persistent absence has changed and will soon be in force.  It has always been set that that the persistent absence was at 85% but from September 2015 this figure will be at 90% (which equates to 19 days off in an academic year).  This means that all pupils with their attendance falling below 90% will be classed as a persistent absence and will be dealt with according to school policy.

Further information can be found in the Attendance page


English as an Additional Language is the inclusive department that supports children in learning English as either their second or third language, so that they are able to access their lessons at Thomas Middlecott Academy.

Once a pupil starts at TMA they are assessed by one of our bi-lingual staff members to find out their ability in speaking, reading, writing and listening to the English language. Depending on their ability depends upon the level of hours support they have in either one to one or small group sessions ready to acquire the language.

EAL coordinator - Miss P Martin


Inglês como uma Língua Adicional é o departamento inclusivo que apóia as crianças na aprendizagem de Inglês como sua segunda ou terceira língua, ajudando assim a facilitar o acesso de suas aulas no Thomas Middlecott Academy.

Uma vez que o aluno(a) começa no TMA ele(a) é avaliado(a) por um dos nossos membros da equipe de línguas para descobrir a sua capacidade para falar, ler, escrever e ouvir o idioma Inglês. A capacidade do aluno(a) em adquirir o idioma é que determinará o nível de supporte que ele(a) receberá, aulas individuais ou grupos pequenos.

Dependendo da sua capacidade depende do nível de horas suporte que eles têm em um ou outro 1-1 ou um pequeno grupo sessões prontos para adquirir o idioma. 


Jesli jezyk angielski  jest jÄ™zykiem dodatkowym dla panstwa dzieci, nasz EAL department  wspiera dzieci w nauce jÄ™zyka angielskiego albo jako drugi lub trzeci jÄ™zyk, tak, że sÄ… one w stanie uzyskać dostÄ™p do swoich lekcji w Thomas Middlecott Akademii.

Gdy uczeÅ„ rozpoczyna siÄ™ TMA sa oni oceniani przez jednego z naszych dwujÄ™zycznych pracowników, aby dowiedzieć siÄ™ o  ich zdolnoÅ›ci mówienia, czytania, pisania i sÅ‚uchania w jÄ™zyku angielskim. W zależnoÅ›ci od ich zdolnoÅ›ci i od poziomu uczen jest wspirany poprzez dodatkowe lekcje indywidualne lub w malych grupach.


Английский как дополнительный язык включительно отдел, который поддерживает детей в изучении английского языка или как их второй или третий язык, так что они могут получить доступ к свои уроки Томаса Middlecott академии.

После того, как ученик начинает в ТМА они оцениваются одним из наших двуязычных сотрудников, чтобы узнать их способности в разговорной речи, чтения, письма и слушать на английском языке. Ð’ зависимости от их способности зависит от уровня часа поддержки они имеют в любом  или небольшой группы сессий, готовые приобрести язык.


Angļu valoda kā papildu valoda ir iekļaujoša departaments, kas atbalsta bÄ“rnus apgÅ«t angļu valodu, kā nu to otro vai trešo valodu, lai viņi varÄ“tu piekļūt saviem nodarbÄ«bas Thomas Middlecott akadÄ“mijā.

Kad skolÄ“ns sākas TMA tos novÄ“rtÄ“ pÄ“c vienas no mÅ«su divvalodu darbiniekiem, lai noskaidrotu viņu spÄ“jas runāšana, lasÄ«šana, rakstÄ«šana un klausoties angļu valodā. AtkarÄ«bā no to spÄ“jām ir atkarÄ«ga no lÄ«meņa stundu atbalsts viņiem ir jo nu vienu uz vienu vai nelielu grupu sesijas gatavs apgÅ«t valodu.


Anglų kaip papildoma kalba yra įskaičiuota skyrius, kuris palaiko vaikus mokytis anglų kalbos arba kaip antrą ar trečią kalba, kad jie galėtų naudotis savo pamokas Thomas Middlecott akademijoje.

Kai mokinys prasideda PMA jos yra įvertinamos vienu iš mÅ«sų dvikalbis darbuotojų išsiaiškinti jų gebÄ—jimÄ… kalbÄ—ti, skaityti, rašyti ir klausytis anglų kalba. Priklausomai nuo jų sugebÄ—jimo priklauso nuo valandų paramos jie turi tiek viename su vienu ar nedidelÄ—s grupÄ—s sesijas pasirengÄ™s įsigyti kalbÄ… lygiu.

For further information about how we support EAL, please contact reception.