Being part of a family at TMA.
At TMA we have four houses with every new child being allocated to one. The Houses represent areas of Lincolnshire and have been part of the Thomas Middlecott heritage for many years: Lincoln, Holland, Pilgrim and Fen.
Students take an active role in their houses, and embrace the positive, competitive ethos we are embedding throughout the school.
By being a member of the House, students and staff are encouraged to show team spirit and strive towards achieving our four values: ambition, aspirations, courage, and respect whilst working competitively and collaboratively as a 'family'.
With House assemblies and competitions (inter-form and inter-House) taking place, barriers between year groups are broken down and a sense of togetherness is created.
Each term a new set of competitions are shared, whether they are academic, creative or sport related, there is an opportunity for students to represent their House.
Each House will compete throughout the year to win the prestigious House Cup and become the House Champions for the Academic year.
Meet the Heads of House
House Name: Head of House: Year Manager Supported by: Head of Year
House Name: Head of House: Year Manager Supported by: Head of Year
House Name: Head of House: Year Manager Supported by: Head of Year
House Name: Head of House: Year Manager Supported by: Head of Year
House Competition 1:
Origami Talent
All form groups were asked to complete their most amazing Origmai piece that they could. From each form group, the tutor entered the Top 5 into the Year Group Form Competition. The winning forms were:
The best Origami piece in Year 7 was one by (House name)
The best Origami piece in Year 8 was one by (House name)
The best Origami piece in Year 9 was one by (House name)
The best Origami piece in Year 10 was one by (House name)
The best Origami piece in Year 11 was one by (House name)
Upcoming House Competitions
French vocabulary quiz