Alternative Provision
Our Vision
We have a simple-to-state approach: insisting on good behaviour, development of a knowledge-based curriculum, guided instructional teaching, and meaningful experiences as a lever of school improvement, not simply as additional activities. We provide every child who attends our alternative provision an ambitious first-class educational experience as we firmly believe that a child's level of education determines their future opportunities and choices.
We understand that a great school can only exist in a happy and healthy community, and that we must all work together to address the root causes of underachievement and disadvantage. We work hard to ensure that our desire for progress and the curriculum we provide is entrenched in our community, and that our goal of being an inclusive alternative provision in the heart of our communities where all children are cared for, standards are improved, and lives are transformed is eventually realised.
Our centre offer a welcoming culture of safety, responsibility, and respect by teaching these values to students in order to create a positive environment in which all members of our school community feel safe, comfortable, and welcomed. We believe that when our children are introduced to a positive, supportive environment, they are more likely to succeed and reach their full potential. All relationships in this environment are built on mutual acceptance and respect. Everyone models positive behaviour to create culture of respect which becomes the standard.
Our Curriculum
The following subjects is a guide for students accessing our provisions. These will be adapted to suit the needs of the individual students and subject to the school’s curriculum offer
Time |
Period |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
08:30 |
Breakfast Club |
Breakfast Club |
Breakfast Club |
Breakfast Club |
Breakfast Club |
Breakfast Club |
08:55 |
1 |
Maths |
English |
Science |
English |
Science |
09:55 |
2 |
Science |
NCFE Tech |
English |
PE |
Enrichment |
10:55 |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
11:15 |
3 |
NCFE Business |
Maths |
Maths |
History |
12:15 |
4 |
English |
History |
NCFE Business |
Science |
NCFE Tech |
13:15 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
13:55 |
5 |
Pobble |
Pobble |
Pobble |
Pobble |
Pobble |
14:15 |
Finish |
Finish |
Finish |
Finish |
Finish |
Finish |
Students also have their own bespoke tailored timetable alongside the main timetable with specific interventions to meet their needs.
Literacy and Numeracy Support
Within MAP we believe that Literacy is not just focused on in English lessons, it is a life skill which not only enables our students to access all aspects of the curriculum but to communicate and engage with the world around them. As it is such a vital skill, we focus upon it in every subject and our aim is to improve the literacy skills of all our students at all levels.
There is substantial evidence that low numeracy skills are associated with poor outcomes in employment, wages, health, social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties, school exclusions, truancy, and crime. Students within the centre are initially assessed through baseline assessments. This will allow us to understand which numeracy intervention would be ideal to support.
Intervention Support
MAP supports a wide range of differences, most students have an unmet social, emotional, or mental health needs, and/or unmet learning needs, whilst others have a diagnosis of ASD and ADHD. Our provisions offer a nurturing environment and has 30 places within our lower and higher attaining groups.
Our environment where the children learn has three large classrooms with a maximum capacity of 30 students in total. Students have their own garden and recreational use. There is an additional break out room for those students who need quiet time and reflection periods.
Staff in the centre are good at incorporating student’s interests into lessons. For example, Music, football, and computer games.
School Refusers
Students who refuse to attend the centre receive ongoing support from our EBSA support worker / family support worker who regularly supports at home and through our online education package and additional interventions. This strategy helps students re-integrate back into mainstream education or college while maintaining a strong safeguarding link with home.
Careers Support
The centre follows the principals of the Gatsby Benchmark. This is designed to support our AP leaders, and careers advisors to assess the development of our pupils in employability skills. We also use this to track our students progress and identify areas in which they need to continue developing their skills.
Enrichment Programme
Our Enrichment programme is designed to give our students culturally rich experiences. These experiences involve regular visits to museums, galleries, local points of interest and student led activities including fundraising for local charities. The enrichment programme aims to broaden our curriculum and enhance the learning in the classroom by helping our students to make connections with education and wider society. Below are just a few courses we are currently running.
- Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
- John Muirs Award
- St John's Life Savers Award
- National Navigation Award Scheme
The centre will always make reasonable adjustments required to meet the child's needs.
We believe in inclusive practice and that every child who accesses the centre should have the same chances of succeeding in education as mainstream students have.